Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today was refreshing.
I was so overwhelmed for the first two days, but today was a breath of God's grace.
There is so much in Jerusalem, not even including the areas surrounding , that are filled with memories of our risen Lord.
Yesterday was the Old Testament day where we walked around Jerusalem and looked at some of the key places that are still around.
We went to the area where The City of David was said to be, where the original city of Jerusalem was, which David found.
Also, we walked around the Old City walls which were originally built by Herod the Great, but then rebuilt by the Turks when they conquered the city in the 1538! There are some stones that are still left from the time if Jesus, some of which are on the corner of our college, JUC, which at the bottom, left corner in this picture:

Today we went on a New Testament walk throughout the Old City and visited the Temple Mount, which Is the mountain where the temple was originally placed by David, then destroyed and later rebuilt. Then Herod the Great added significantly to the Temple, adding serveral courtyards and embellishments.
So, today we went outside of the walls and sat on the southern stairs. Surround the stairs there were the mikvahs, which were baths where the Jews would cleanse themselves before entering the temple. This is important because it is most likely that Jesus would have taught his disciples not those steps, because rabbis would teach their disciples outside of the temple. Also, It is thought that this is where Paul was trained by a rabbi, and then where Peter preached the Pentecost message, and 3000 were baptized. This was amazing! There are more details... But it was life changing. Here are the steps. Soak it up :) 

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my name is kourtney price, wife of derek price.