I had always heard of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, but honestly purposely stayed out of it, avoiding conversation and information concerning it.
But, I realized that this conflict is something that Christians need to speak truth and peace into.
It's not just about the Middle East, but it confronts our faith very directly because whether you know it or not, what you believe about the end times is intertwined with this conflict.
My friend Rachel is half Palestinian, which has challenged me to ask questions and understand the issues.
Yesterday we went into Bethlehem for two reasons; one, to see the Church of Nativity which is the place where Jesus was born and second, to visit Bethlehem Bible College.
Bethlehem Bible College is a college that trains and educates Palestinians to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus in their context.
The student here are Palestinian Arab Christians. That in itself is loaded with misunderstood identities.
I will explain details shortly, but first it is important to note that most Christians in this land are Palestinian Arabs, and therefore it is beyond important for us to engage.
So, you ask yourself....why should we be concerned with this conflict?
1. The church is struggling.
2. This is the land where church was born.
In Palestinian territories there are 3.9 million Muslims and 50,000 Christians.
The Palestinian Christians are the most vulnerable in this land.
I know the terminology can be very confusing and misunderstood, so here are some definitions:
Palestinian: Arabs living in the land of Palestine. Mixed races and nationalities from those who invaded and intermingled. They are not the philistines, but their name comes from the Greeks and Romans who called them the philistines. In 135-136AD, emperor Adrian forced all Jews to leave Israel because of a revolt, and from then on it was called Palestine.
Messianic Jews: Jews who accept Jesus as messiah and observe Jewish customs and traditions. The majority of Christians in Israel are messianic Jews.
Arab country: land where majority of the people speak Arabic and observe Arabic culture.
Muslims: followers of Muhammad and the holy book Quran. There are two groups of Muslims, Shia: the successor of Muhammad must be family, Sunni: successor must be most qualified.
Arab: someone who speaks Arabic and identifies with Arabic culture
Jew: born of Jewish mother or converts to Judaism. Speaks Hebrew and can be either secular or Orthodox Jew who lives in Israel. They believe in the establishment of Israel as as reigning nation for the coming of the messiah and the rebuilding of the temple.
Christian Zionist: a view that the establishment of the nation of Israel is in concurrence with biblical prophecy and therefore support the rise of Israel and suppression of Palestine in the land.
Also, a key note is that there were Christians in Palestine almost 500 years broke Muhammad.
Here is some history:
The conflict didn't start in the Land, in fact it started in England with the birth of Zionism in 1897.
In 1917, because of the rise Christian Zionism, the British parliament declared the Jews to return to their land, but because they were only 6% of the people they were not allowed to have it.
After the WW2 there were 30% Jews and 70% Palestinians living in the land, which led to the first Israel-Arab war in 1948. In that war, 800,000 Palestinians were kicked out of their homes and made refugees.
The British parliament tried to set up a partition plan that would divide the land, but the Palestinians didn't like his because they were only given half of the land they had previously had.
The Palestinian territory slowing decreased into what is now called the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These are Palestinian territories with their own government, but is ruled by Israel.
They are building walls around these areas, which in theory would be fine because it would create a two state system.
BUT, the Israelis are building the walls in the middle of the Palestinian territory and therefore separating Palestinians from Palestinians.
So, there are families and on both sides who are not allowed to cross to see one another.
They can apply for a permit, but it has to be almost dyer for them to be able to leave.
The wall is built 3km too far.
Israelis are building settlements for themselves inside the walls, and therefore causing more control and conflict.
This conflict is taking away the humanity and well being of the Palestinians.
There is little unity among Israeli Christians and Palestinian Christians because of their view of the end times, specifically relating to Israel.
This is crucial for the church.
The US government's number one supported nation is Israel, in military equipment and money.
We need to know the truth.
We need to know what scripture says.
Covenant theology asks the question who is the nation? Who are the descendant?
It's not about a nation or a land anymore, BELIEVERS, it's about the hearts of the people of God.
God is concerned with his chosen Israel, but God is NOT concerned with the land.
Covenant theology is not replacement theology, but rather an extension.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
I do not have all the answers, but The Lord is revealing new things to me in this land.
We need to be courageous Christians and fight for justice, just at God loves justice.
ReplyDeleteI am the chaplain at Good Samaritan Home in Quincy IL. I found a small folder with mementos from an engagement trip from Quincy to Naperville. It had Derek and Kourtney written inside. I emailed all Good Sam employees and those who had email did not respond. So, I searched the internet, found your registry and wedding website then found this blog. (If Derek is the one who dropped this, I hope I am not getting him in too much trouble!) So; is this yours? I will leave the folder at the front desk where it can be picked up any time during business hours (7am to 9pm). Blessings, James Riley